OSHA and Employee Safety

Protect yourself against OSHA’s General Duty Clause

Companies can no longer avoid their corporate responsibility to provide training on how to react if confronted by a violent intruder or in an active shooter incident. This responsibility is laid out in OSHA guidelines, which state: “All employers have a duty to provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm.” [General Duty Clause 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety & Health ACT].

By following the guidance set forth by OSHA, active shooter training and other safety training programs can mitigate risks and protect businesses. Failing to prepare can lead to severe consequences for a company, in addition to the potential devastation of not being equipped to handle an active shooter situation. In fact, recent court rulings throughout the country have allowed negligence suits filed by victims of active shooters to proceed against employers for failing to provide defensive training to their employees.

Organizations that understand the importance of ensuring safety during high impact events such as active shooters are using the Alamom Active Shooter Response and Mitigation training throughout their facilities. Our training program gives you and your staff the education and tools needed to increase levels of safety while putting into place comprehensive action plans for your workplace. Take the assessment to see if you and your employees are prepared for an active shooter event. Contact Alamom’s Security and Safety Division today to learn more about training and how it relates to OSHA guidelines.

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